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Online Meetings

Our LIFE BEYOND PERSONALITY ONLINE GROUP meets on Mondays at 3pm U.K. time.

What is it about?

‘Put simply, we enter this world as the experience of Oneness, or being, but we lose our perception of this as we grow up and become identified with Personality. After that identification, the suffering of Personality overshadows the stillness and love of our natural state. What I’m proposing is that it’s possible to return to the experience of this natural state as an adult.’


This proposition is what we explore, in any form that it presents itself in the group. All the practicalities of what it means to Wake Up are open to discussion.

If you have read my books and are interested in joining us, please message me for more information.

Here are some quotes from participants which may help to give a sense of how it works:

‘The things I have been uncovering through the reflections from Jez and through communication with the wise, open, brave, loving and supportive members of the group, who always serve as mirrors back to my own Personality construct, have been like the key that has unlocked that once ever elusive door I had been looking for most of my life. It’s a continual opening, unhooking, unwinding, untangling, expansion, contraction, expansion – like watching myself being born.

‘Unlike self-help, we aren’t rearranging our personalities, we simply start seeing more and more deeply, all the intricate layers of the conditioning of that construct. Seeing that operation for what it is, instead of seeing FROM it, IS the journey back home. Awareness itself is the solvent. Our true home IS the solvent.’ H.A., Canada

‘During a recent session I had with Jez, I shared the image I have of how our group works: slowly over the seasons and through the sum total of our individual contributions together we have created a kind of powerful force field. Each week we are swimming together in this force field of Life Beyond Personality and little by little life is being sucked out of our Personalities. Jez said that this is the opposite of what we get in the world where Personality is getting reinforced, but here it’s undermined continually, especially when one of us shares something that’s so crucial in our life. Each of these sharings impact and benefit all of us and force field slowly grows.’ D.T., Switzerland

‘I had such an immediate resonance after reading Jez’s two books “The Story of You” and “The Infinite Journey” that I knew I had to make contact with Jez and join his online group to explore further their contents. I’m very happy that I did as working in the group with like-minded participants has been a very fruitful enterprise. I have been a seeker for many years with different teachers but always felt that there was something missing, and I feel that this group provides that missing link. If the seeker still has unresolved and repressed feelings then these will always be an obstacle to full realisation as this has been my experience. The Personality structure forms in order for the person to survive and cope with conditional love, abuse or neglect. Identification with the Personality then controls the life but, like an iceberg, the roots of this are below the conscious level, leading to many blind spots.

‘In many ways the work is counterintuitive as the Personality will not want to explore these areas as its reason d’etre is to avoid and distract from the unconscious. This is what we explore in the group with Jez’s guidance. I have found his guidance to be excellent, compassionate and insightful. The members of the group support each other in the exploring of each’s Personality idiosyncrasies. This is done in the online meetings and also through messaging. If you are drawn to this work, you couldn’t be in a better place.’ C.S., Ireland